An online journal created to seek meaning and purpose, to feel,

to dream, to discover, to spread joy and light, to love all of creation,

to glorify and magnify the Creator.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Blessings in Disguise

Hey everyone! Long time no post-ish? Haha
I've been pretty much out and about for the past few days because my grandma Esther and aunt Heidi are visiting here from the Philippines. I've also had my hands full with a film project for drama class. Let's just say I've been downtown this week more times than I usually go in a whole year.

SOOoOo, during one of our "hour-long" filming breaks, my drama group and I found this cute little vintage shop that was closing. I think it was the "Fill a bag for $20 sale" that caught our eyes. It was pretty humid in there... I guess the people who spent hours and hours digging for "amazing finds" in the mountains of clothes explains it.

If anyone wanted to know, the shop was called, "True Value Vintage." They have an etsy link if anyone's interested!

We didn't have a whole lot of time to rummage through the clothes, so my group of four decided to split a bag. I guess that means everyone pitches in $5. Overall, I managed to take five clothing articles. This one's my favourite because it's super breeeezy and Summer's just around the corner! (Hopefully) Vancouver's weather is pretty bipolar..

Here are some other pictures from the rest of my "Adventures with grandma and tita."

Thanks for reading!
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  1. wow that bridge is crazy!


  2. You actually get used to it after a while! I might even be able to run across it hahaha

  3. The 9th picture is amazing, great photo's :)

  4. Great blog! Thanks for visiting mine.

  5. It's my first time here on your blog and it's a breath of fresh air from all fashion blogs. The photos are also great! Being a Filipino myself, I'd like to read more. Following you now!:-) Do visit mine when you get the chance!:-)

