An online journal created to seek meaning and purpose, to feel,

to dream, to discover, to spread joy and light, to love all of creation,

to glorify and magnify the Creator.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Post Camping Adventures

Hi everyone!
Although we were very limited for time, I'm back from a great day downtown with my homies; Sheren, Christine and Nikki. Heck, I'm starting to miss downtown. I remember being there pretty much every day for two weeks straight, back when I was working that end of the year Drama project.

I finally got the chance to wear my Tacky Tommy Hilfiger pants today. I planned on wearing these a while back, but certain conditions weren't suitable. Ie: Weather, Stanley Cup Finals, Canada Day etc. If you look closely, the pants are labeled with different states.

We spent most of the day on Granville Island taking pictures, browsing through booths in Lonsdale Quay Market and, I can't believe I'm going to say this... Planking. HAHAHA, I just laughed at myself again for saying that. It's actually pretty fun watching Christine plank. I've never actually done it before. I think i'll save my first "plank" for a very special place.

If any of you don't know what planking is.. Here are some pictures.

If you're wondering what the point of planking is, well, I don't really know.

As for that camping trip, all I can say is Mosquitoes! I have bites all over my arms and legs. Not a whole lot of pictures to share because all I really did was walk around the campsite and make vlogs with my cousins. Unfortunately, I won't be able to upload the vlog because my computer is too dang slow to process mov files. I guess we'll just have to wait for my future laptop. (TO ARRIVE IN AUGUST) In the meantime, enjoy this picture of my cousin in a t-shirt and shorts, while I'm in a long everything jean ensemble, trying my best to avoid the mosquitoes.

To end things off, I'd just like to say Hello to Ina and Megan in Chicago!!


  1. Whoa you all guys really look fun together :)
    Love the outfit there!!

    crunch cheese me

  2. awww why are you so cute? haha I like your pants camille, and regarding your last post, we can/WILL still thrift in secret when I get back (:

  3. i've been seeing so many people doing planks out in the streets, in public, in odd places... & seriously... out of curiosity, why?! lol

    i feel like it's only appropriate in yoga. haha.

    cins - design3rd

  4. dear all your pictures are so great! they show all the happiness :)

    pd. plank <3
    pd. YOUR pants <3

  5. Looks like such a fun day and some great spots to take photos! You've got a great eye for photography. And love your style xo

  6. love all the planking :) great blog!
    thank you for your lovely comment!
    please visit my blog

  7. LOL CAMILLE! I here in your blog, I feel important. And loved!

  8. awww this looks like so much fun /// LOVE YOUR PANTS in the first picture!!


  9. Love these picutres, such a cool blog! Would you like to follow each other? love, m.

  10. hey funny photos :)
    Follow you
    Greets from
    follow me ? (;

  11. Awesome photos and great blog! I really like your blog so I awarded you:
