An online journal created to seek meaning and purpose, to feel,

to dream, to discover, to spread joy and light, to love all of creation,

to glorify and magnify the Creator.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Early morning blog post before my laptop dies, because it's inevitable that I'll have plenty of photos to upload after the hectic long weekend that I'm currently anticipating!

This photo set was taken two days ago. The best photo taking opportunities always happen to be the ones that come about unplanned. Here's to a spontaneous school day afternoon at Green Timbers Urban Forest!

1 comment:

  1. Hi :)
    I am a Reader from you,I come from Germany :)
    Your Blog is amzazing and I love Canada!
    It´s just awesome.
    I hope you like my blogs,too.

    Kisses Anna :*
