An online journal created to seek meaning and purpose, to feel,

to dream, to discover, to spread joy and light, to love all of creation,

to glorify and magnify the Creator.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Christmas Wish List

- blank canvases and a paint set
- Starbucks, TH and food court gift cards
- I think that's it


  1. Hey Camille, what kind of music do you like to listen to? (:

    1. Hi! I don't really discriminate when it comes to music!
      My favourite songs are:
      Superman - Five for Fighting
      Drops of Jupiter - Train
      Demons - Imagine Dragons
      I also like bands, songs from musicals and songs on Praise 106.5!

      Right now, I have mostly a playlist that goes on repeat of really upbeat, sassy girl songs LOL
      It gets me up in the morning and makes me feel like I can conquer the world.

    2. Do you like acoustic songs, they are usually slow. Lol

    3. Yeah, most of the time! I usually prefer acoustic versions to the original tracks!
